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Setup for SQL Developer

Downloading and saving the RSA key

- First, you will need to download the RSA key from the moodle page of the class you are taking that uses SQL developer. Navigate to the moodle page of the class and your teacher should have it either under class resources or somewhere near the top of the page.


- Right click on the link and click 'Save Link as'.


- Save it somewhere easily accessible such as your desktop, as we will be needing this key once we have the SQL developer application downloaded and running.


- Once you have this file downloaded and accessible, it is time to download SQL Developer.

Free Download for SQL Developer

- Download SQL Developer from the file in the Moodle Shell

- Once you follow this link it should take you to this page…


- Make sure you agree to the license agreement and pick the download that has the JDK engine. It is usually the first one listed. Once you do that it will take you to this page…


- You will need to create an Oracle account with a username and password. Your username will be the email used during the signup process.


- Once you create the account it should start the download automatically.

- Once downloaded, find the folder in your downloads directory and extract all.


- It should ask you where you want to extract the file to. Click Browse…


- Then choose desktop and click 'select folder'.


- The extract button should then be usable. Click on it.


- After hitting extract this is what you should see. This process may take a few minutes…


- After the file has finished extracting, click on the folder and find the sqldeveloper file of the file type 'Application'. Double click on this.


- You now have SQL Developer on your machine.

Configuring SQL Devloper to SSH with the Database

- This is the first screen you should see after double clicking the file…


- Within this window, find the 'View' button on the top left, find 'SSH' and click on it.


- In the bottom left of the window, a panel should open that says 'SSH Hosts'. Right click on SSH Hosts and double click on New SSH Hosts.


- This should bring up a new window titled New SSH Host


- Within this window there is specific information you must fill out.

- Name - cs275

- Host -

- Port - 22 (should be filled out already)

- Username - cs275

- check the box that says 'Use key file'

- At this point you will need to click 'browse' and find the file you saved the RSA key to from the moodle page.

- check the box that says 'Add a Local Port Forward'.

- Name - my275portforward

- Host -

- Port - 15215

- Make sure the 'Automatically assign local port' box is checked

- Finally, click OK.

- This is what the window should look like completely filled out


- After clicking OK, an extension named cs275 should show up in the bottom left panel of the SQL developer page under SSH Hosts.


- To test the SSH to see if it has connectivityto the Database, right click on cs275 under SSHHosts and click 'Test'.


- If the connectivity test was successful, this message should pop up.


Creating Connections to the Database within SQL Developer

- In order to establish a connection, move to the top left panel of the SQL Develoepr window where it says 'Connections' and click the green plus sign.


- Clicking the green plus sign should bring up this window within SQL Developer.


- There are a couple fields that you will need to fill out in this window.

- First, name it whatever you'd like to call it.

- Then, your username and password will be provided by the instructor.

- Make sure the connection type is set to SSH.

- Lastly, make sure the 'Service name' box is checked, and type 'ORCL' in the field next to it.

- The window should look like this…


- After the fields are filled out, click test on the bottom of the window. If everything was filled out correctly, it should say 'Status : Success' directly above the 'Help' button at the bottom of the window.


- Next, double click on the connection you just made. It should pop up in the list underneath the green plus sign that says 'Oracle Connections'.


- Once you do this, a Connection Information sing in window should pop up asking for your username and password, enter the credentials provided by your instructor.


- If the credentials are typed in correctly this window should open…


- Once you have reached this window, you are officially logged into SQL Developer. This is where you will do your assignments.

programming/sqldeveloper.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/22 18:13 by citlabadmin