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How to use the pdb debugger on a python script

So your script/program/code is not working and nobody is around to help you! The pdb debugger can assist you.

  • First identify what line number is having the issue (or approximate area)
  • Run the pdb debugger with the command: pdb script_name args
  • Verify that pdb is where you want to be with the line number or code area
  • If you are in the area you wish to be, you can just [c]ontinue to make your way through the code

Here are some common commands you can use in pdb:

  • (b)reak - set break points
  • (cl)ear num - delete break point
  • (cl)ear - delete all break points
  • [c]ontinue - continue execution
  • disable - disable break points
  • (h)elp - help
  • (h)elp command - to get command help
  • (l)ist - show code around current line
  • (n)ext - next line
  • restart re-read script and restart debugging
  • (s)tep - step into scope
  • note: after you do a command (i.e. (n)ext), hitting enter will repeat the command again

Here is a nice quick introduction to the pdb tool:

For those that learn better reading, here is a good website with a text description:

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programming/debuggingpython.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/07 18:49 by swaimg